Frequently Asked Questions
Booking Terms and Conditions
Secure your booking Via Treatwell's booking service
How it works
Secure your booking by leaving your card details
You won’t be charged during checkout unless you wish to pre pay via card or with Treatwell gift Vouchers.
You’ll pay at the venue, after your appointment.
booking Via Phone? We will take pre payment over the phone for certain treatments and refund if cancelled within the cancellation period.
We are an independent business, so if you can’t make your appointment, please use the app to reschedule or cancel. However, your card will be charged the full amount if:
You cancel less than 48 hours before your appointment start time
You don’t show up for your appointment
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please do this within 48 hours of your appointment.
Charges will apply for any appointments cancelled or rescheduled after the 48 hour period. (We will endeavour to fill the appointment gap where possible and only charge for loss difference between your booking and the replacement where possible)
These conditions also apply if you are booked in for more than one treatment on the same day and choose to cancel one.
During very busy periods, such as Christmas, we may require a non refundable booking fee to secure your appointment.
If you have any serious health conditions or allergies, please make your therapist aware of this.
Tinting and perming treatments require a patch test 48 hours prior to your appointment. If this is not carried out and an appointment is not cancelled due to no patch test being administered in time by yourself you will be charged for the full amount of the treatment.
Further Terms and conditions can be found on Treatwell.co.uk
What should I wear for my treatment?
For all treatments wear comfortable clean clothing.