Massage Care
Before your massage
For your comfort, it is best to empty your bladder before a massage session
Please remove all jewellery and glasses if you have them
Make your therapist aware if you wear contact lenses
Make your therapist aware if you have any serious medical conditions
During your massage
Lie down in the position as instructed, close your eyes and start to focus on your body
Be aware of your breathing and try to breathe deeply and rhythmically
Focus your attention on the touch and rhythm used by the therapist
Allow your body to go limp and allow the therapist to move you around themselves. Try not to tense up when you are being treated
If you find a specific motion relaxing or if you feel that the releasing of pressure points is too sensitive, make sure to tell your therapist
After your massage
Ensure you have a good intake of water during the six hour period after the massage
If you are a smoker, try not to smoke for at least a couple of hours after the massage
Try not to drink any form of alcohol for at least 24 hours after the massage to receive full benefit
If you are going to eat soon after the massage, opt for lighter food and go easy on meat products, and spices as well as oily and creamy foods
Long-term factors to consider
Reducing salt intake will reduce high blood pressure
Cut down on smoking. If you continue to smoke, it is advised that you also take vitamins C and E. This will help counteract the free radicals in tobacco smoke that can cause cancer
Drinking hot water with lemon juice in the morning will aid digestion
Exercise for 20 minutes at least three times a week
Make sure you're getting enough "me time". Taking time out to relax can be hugely beneficial to your wellbeing
Don't rush your food and make sure you eat regular meals to keep your energy levels on an even balance and to aid digestion
Make sure you're hydrated. Drinking two litres of water helps to remove toxins from the kidneys and keep the body hydrated.